- Project : RSUD Eka Candrarini Surabaya Timur
- Location : Medokan Asri Tengah, Blok RL V, Kalirungkut, Surabaya
- Working Supply : AC, Exhaust Fan & Installation
- Merk Unit : – Daikin AC, VRV System ( 127 unit) , – Nicotra Fan (596 unit)
- Total Capacity :
- IU 458800 BTUH / 1.372 TR
- OU 527.400 BTUH / 1.127 TR
- Start and End : Maret 2024 –September 2024
We get this project through tender. Then, we are as the winner because our good reputation, high integrity and profesional work on every our project.
East Surabaya Regional Hospital was built with superior services for mothers and children. This hospital was built with an area of around 5.3 hectares. Meanwhile, the initial stage of development land is 1.7 hectares.
East Surabaya Regional Hospital has a building area of around 37 thousand square meters consisting of two towers and a podium. Each tower of the building consists of 8 floors and has a total capacity of 257 beds.
Hospitals that are in the operational category type C, but with type B standardization.